New Ideas Proposed For Possible Golf Cart Ordinance

In a work session at the end of a lenght City Commission meeting Monday the Huron City Commission gave City Attorney Gerry Kaufmann new direction in drafting an ordinance to deal with the operation of golf carts on Huron streets. Mayor Dave McGirr says it’s an issue the legislature doesn’t want to touch with, in his words “10 foot pole”…


Kaufmann says the state law only says golf carts without metioning what powertrain the carts use either gas or electric, which is where confusion sets in because gas powered carts must be licensed similar to ATV’s. The citys opitons are to wait for the legislature to clean up the wording of the staute or present a draft of the mayors idea in the form of an ordinance…


Wording may also be added to the ordinance that will regulate a golf carts use at night to include hours of operation and proper lighting be installed to make the cart street legal. The proposed golf cart ordinance will be brought before the Commission in the next few weeks.