City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission is set to meet tonight for it’s regular weekly meeting. Commissioners will consider awarding Landfill Use Agreement bid. They will also consider a bid from Schoenhard Ford matching the State Bid for two Ford Police Interceptor four-door sedans. Also up for consideration is are change orders for an asphalt overlay and milling project. A public hearing will be held for a special event, on-sale wine license filed by Holy Trinity Catholic Parish.. The Commission will consider a resolution authorizing Finance Director Paulynn Carey to enter into Cell Phone Contracts. Commissioners will also consider a master purchase agreement with Real Time Translation, Incorporated, to provide the city with a mobile interpretation device for the Police Department. The Commission will consider a temporary wage increase request for Sergeant Dan Schlader for his additional duties due to the retirement of a shift captain. Also up for consideration by the Huron City Commission are human resource items regarding the Solid Waste Department and Library. There are no scheduled items in executive session or work sessions for the Huron City Commission as the will meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.