Gibson Says Municipal League Illegally Promoting Ballot Measure

State Representative Peggy Gibson of Huron is asking Secretary of State Jason Gant to look into whether the South Dakota Municipal League has illegally used tax dollars to support Referred Law 14. The measure, which will join other’s on the general election ballot in a few short weeks, establishes the Large Project Development Fund, which takes 22-percent of the contractor’s excise tax, to help projects costing five-million dollars or more, be built. Gibson maintains in a letter to Gant that the Municipal League is funded with tax money and that they can not use tax dollars to influence the outcome of an election. Gibson says a front page endorsement of Referred Law 14 is in the October issue of the Municipal Leagues Monthly magazine. The Municipal League is comprised of cities and towns that pay dues to the group through sales and property taxes. Gibson says she has often supported the interests of the Municipal League. She is urging Gant to look into the matter before the general election on November 6th