90% Say "Yes" To Supporting A Huron Texting Ban

The votes are in for the latest Performance Radio News Poll on Facebook. This week’s question asked if you would support a ban on texting while driving, similar to one approved by the Sioux Falls City Council two weeks ago. 90-percent of those responding to the week long poll said yes, they would support the City of Huron passing an ordinance that bans texting and other non-phone uses of a cell phone while driving. 10-percent said they would not like to see Huron ban texting while using a motor vehicle. The Public Safety Committee tabled moving a recommendation to the Huron City Commission until the Committee can review data from states like Montana that have a number of cities with such a ban, but not a statewide prohibition. Information on enforcement and the number of people cited in Sioux Falls may not be available until the end of the year. The results of the Performance Radio News poll are unscientific and we thank all of you for your participation.