City Commission Hears Recycling Plan

GETF Chairman Jordan Woodbury

A public hearing set for next Monday could determine if the City of Huron will start a recycling program. A lengthy presentation on what a recycling program in Huron would require was heard by the Huron City Commission last night. Green Energy Task Force Chairman Jordan Woodbury says the time for Huron to move on a recycling program is now…


Woodbury proposed a single stream recycling program where all recycled materials would go in a single blue and yellow container to be sorted later. He also touted an incentive program to get more people to participate…


Mayor Dave McGirr wanted to know if the Green Energy Task Force had input from the community…


Huron Chamber Executive Director Peggy Woolridge presented results of a brief survey that showed nearly 90-percent approval from the 171 respondents. She also says recycling is something new residents inquire about…


First year start-ups costs for the program are estimated at almost 269-thousand dollars. The Green Energy Task Force will be applying for a grant that will cover up to 191-thousand dollars of those costs. Once the program is established, yearly costs are estimated at 109-thousand dollars.