Day One Of Fajardo Rape Trial Ends

Testimony ended early for the day Thursday in the rape trial of Werner Fajardo. A witness suffered a flat tire coming from outside of Huron.  That led Judge Jon Erickson to recess for the day shortly after 4 PM. Testimony after lunch included Coleen Brazil, an interviewer at Child’s Voice in Sioux Falls.  Child’s Voice is a medical evaluation center for children up to the age of 18. Brazil testified for prosecutors on how children react to traumatic events, such as sexual assault, Brazil and another interviewer talked with the 12 and 14 year-old alleged victims in the case. Division of Criminal Investigation Special Agent Jessica Page confirmed that Fajardo purchased an air mattress and comforter at Wal-Mart on the night he is accused of raping the three girls. Page also testified to finding a condom wrapper under one of the booths at the El Cuervo Bar. One of the witnesses testified earlier in the day the when she came to from blacking out, she noticed a condom wrapper on the table next to where she was. Fajardo’s attorney Carmen Means questioned both Page, and Huron Police Detective Gene Miller if the condom could be directly connected to her client. Means pointed out to jurors the condom wrapper was found 20 days after the sexual assaults were supposed to have taken place. Upon further cross examination of Miller by Means, Miller admitted that none of the girls clothing were found and that any date rape drugs would not have been found in the victims systems having been examined 10 days after they reported being raped  Evidence also revealed Fajardo paid for a room on the night in question at a local motel.  Another witness a 19 year old female who was 18 at the time told jurors Fajardo knew that underage drinking would take place in his bar. Testimony is scheduled to conclude Friday followed by closing arguments. The case will then be handed to jurors. Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore confirmed that a second request by the media to open the Fajardo trial to only closing arguments and any possible sentencing was denied by Judge Jon Erickson.