Half Of Jury Selection Complete In Fajardo Rape Trial

Nine jurors have been excused during jury selection in the rape trial of Werner Fajardo. Fajardo is accused of raping three young women at his former bar and dance club. Approximately 88 jurors have been called in the case. 44 were called during the morning session and another 44 will go this afternoon. The morning group was broken up in to two groups of 22. Five jurors from Group one have been excused and four from Group Two. Most of the excused jurors told attorneys they would have a difficult time believing Fajardo is innocent before hearing the evidence in the case. A few excuses were for medical reasons or pre-planned events. Lawyers will qualify 52 of the remaining jurors late this afternoon before the defense and prosecution each strike 20 to come to a final jury of 12. Opening statements are set for Thursday morning. The final make-up of the jury may not be known until then. Lawyers expect to have the case to the jury by Friday afternoon but cautioned they may not get the case until Monday morning depending on how the trial moves along.