Miller Woman Sentenced In Second Embezzlement Case

A Miller woman is sentenced the three years in prison on bank embezzlement and money laundering charges. Susan Mareska pleaded guilty to each charge and the sentences will run at the same time. She was also given five years of supervised release and must repay 463-thousand 768 dollars. Mareska was indicted on the charges by a federal grand jury in August of last year. The conviction arose from allegations she defrauded American Bank and Trust of Miller between January of 2003 and September of 2008 while she worked at the bank. She plead guilty to the indictment in March. Mareska was sentenced previously in a separate bank embezzlement case that also involved the Miller branch of American Bank and Trust. In January of 2010, Mareska was sentenced to 33 months in prison and five years of supervised release. She had to pay 166-thousand 834 dollars in restitution in that case. Mareska’s jail time from the 2010 sentencing was completed while she was awaiting sentencing on the most recent conviction. She is now back in federal custody, serving the most recent sentence.