Democrat Not Quick To Praise Surplus

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard says the state ended the fiscal year with money in the bank. Combined tax growth, and low estimates by the legislature ended with revenues exceeding spending by almost forty eight million dollars.  House Minority Leader Bernie Hunhoff of Yankton says the extra money should not be cause for celebration…

[audio:|titles=Bernie Hunhoff 717a]

Hunhoff says much of the extra money can be traced back to differences of opinion during the legislative session…

[audio:|titles=Bernie Hunhoff 717b]

The Governors report also says the state reserve fund is now at just over seventy one million dollars, and the property tax replacement fund has over sixty three million dollars.  Hunhoff says that is just part of the total in reserve…

[audio:|titles=Bernie Hunhoff 717c]

Hunhoff says as always, he expects the budget, and spending priorities to be a major issue in the fall campaigns.