Huron To Look Again At Recycling Program

GETF Chair Jordan Woodbury

A recycling recommendation for the City of Huron has been approved by the Huron City Commission. Green Energy Task Force Chairman Jordan Woobury presented the recommendation Monday night…


Woodbury says developing a multi-stream recycling system, where products are placed in separate containers could be looked at after a single stream system is implemented. Woodbury believes the cost savings for the city would outweigh the expense of starting the program…


The City looked at a recycling program three years ago with a feasibility study on turning garbage into pellets that are burned to make electricity or use in industry, but turned down the idea due to cost. Mayor Dave McGirr suggested it’s time Huron take a second look…


The approval of the recommendation by the City Commission means Solid Waste Superintendent Dale Fortin will come up with proposals working with the Green Energy Task Force to present to the City Commission at a future date. Woodbury says the recommendation calls for the recycling to start with residential customers before expanding to include businesses. He says public education of the program will be one of may keys in making recycling a success.