First Hand Look At Search For Burglary Suspects

Huron PD Officer Derek Layher

Performance Radio News had a unique front row seat to the investigation that led to the arrest of three suspects in a burgalry spree that stretched three counties wide Friday. Officer Derek Layher hosted the final ride along session granted to Performance Radio News as a part of enrollement in the Citizen’s Police Academy. The search for the suspects was well under way when Layher got back on patrol at 3 PM Friday…


Layher enquired about going back to dust for prints at the site of the Huron burglaries but the Friday afternoon work load prevented that…


Later in the afternoon, a parking lot meeting between Layher, Segreant Brandon Neitzert and Deputy Chief Denny Meyer, laid out a plan of attack for recovering the female suspect. Neitzert explained why a press release would likely wait until Saturday for release…


Meyer had new information and a new direction for Layher to head…


After a parking lot search at the alleged employment location, Layher, Neitzert and Meyer took up location at a suspected residence on Mellette Avenue Southwest. With Meyer moving to the rear of the building and Neitzert to the north side, Layher attempted to make contact at the front door….


Just before 7 PM and the end of Layher’s shift he drove to the Beadle County Jail where, Detectives Jamie Gogolin, Gene Miller, Patrol Captain Kevin Van Diepen and a Jerauld County Deputy were booking two Wessington Springs residents on multiple burglary counts