City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission will consider to variances by meeting as the Board of Adjustments to begin tonight’s Huron City Commission meeting. One variance is for the construction of a home, the second is filed by the South Dakota State Fair to construct housing for inmates on work release, working at the Fairgrounds. When the Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will hold a public hearing for a special event alcohol license filed by the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau. The second readings of two traffic related ordinances are tonight. Commissioners will consider a recommendation to re-hire a golf Pro-Shop attendant, authorize the mayor to sign a grant application to the James River Water Development District, consider authorizing funding for additional dispatch equipment and will announce no grass collection on the Forth of July. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions on the agenda for the Huron City Commission, which will meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.