Primary Elections Today

It’s Primary Election day today across the state and nation. Polls are open from 7 AM until 7 PM. Locally in District 22 Republican voters are deciding between Huron mayor David McGirr, Beadle County Commissioner Dick Werner and Army veteran Jay B-K Slater. On the Democratic side, both Democrats and Independents will choose from incumbent Peggy Gibson, Doug Kazmerzak, and Dale Hargens. All six want a spot in the House of Representatives this fall in District 22, which as the result of redistricting, is now comprised of Beadle and Kingsbury Counties. The six candidates will be paired down to four, to appear on the ballot this November. Performance Radio will have election results beginning at 8 pm tonight on 1340-AM KIJV and on-line at www.performance-radio,com and on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.