Dakota Central Spared From Chopping Block…For Now

Dakota Central will be processing mail through at least 2014

The United States Postal Services decision to close 140 postal sorting centers, including centers in Aberdeen and Pierre, is good news for Huron… for now. Postal Service Spokesman Pete Nowacki says last fall 250 sorting facilities were being considered for consolidation. A moratorium on closures was put in place last December. The moratorium was in place until this month…


At a public hearing in December over 100 people voiced their displeasure at the Postal Services plan to move sorting at Dakota Central to Sioux Falls. Nowacki wouldn’t say the input was a factor in saving Dakota Central in the near term but admitted the U-S-P-S is slowing the process…


Nowacki notes that unless major cost savings are made, Dakota Central is NOT out of the woods…


The Postal Service says it can no longer wait for Congress to take action on the issue of a multi-billion dollar cost savings plan.