Huron City Commission Breezes Through Agenda

The Huron City Commission approved all eight items on it’s agenda last night. Approved was a payment request for the east water tower, which will be placed behind Dakota Provisions. City Engineer Mike Wever says work has not started on either that tower, or a larger tank in the Northeast Industrial Park. Work on the east tower should begin soon. It’s likely to be completed this summer. Painting of the half million gallon tower may take place either in the fall or wait til next spring. As the air temperatures must be in a certain range for the paint. Construction on the larger one-million gallon tank will start this year but likely be completed next year. A change order was approved on a water main replacement project as the City finished work on the Illinois Ave water main from 16th Street to 18th Street. Scaling in the pipe had reduced the diameter by half and it was becoming a concern for fire protection. The Commission also approved purchasing road oil from Kingsbury County as they had the best bid of area counties. Two plats were approved by the Commission and so were hiring recommendations for two volunteer firefighters and two assistants in the engineering department for the summer. The Commission wrapped up the meeting in executive session