Commission To Consider Third Street Dam Proposal Among Items Tonight

The Huron City Commission will meet tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider a change order for a sewer main lining project. The Commission will also take up consideration of a Proposal for Services with Barr Engineering Company of Minneapolis for renovating the Third Street Dam across the James River. Commissioners will consider three resolutions, one an agreement with the Huron School District for a School Resource Officer. The second authorizes Park and Recreation LaRon Klock to enter into short-term contracts on behalf of the city and the third sets up a lease form and policies for the Campus Center. A public hearing and second reading will be held on a rezone petition filed by Jim Wilson. The Commission will also consider one human resource item, a resignation from the Planning Committee and a recommendation to stay with American Bank and Trust for the City’s banking services. The Huron City Commission will meet tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.