National Guard To Move Units In Miller And Redfield To Watertown In 2013

South Dakota National Guard units in Miller and Redfield will be relocated to the newly constructed Regional Readiness Center in Watertown. A total of six units from across the state are being relocated. The move will affect the 13 soldiers currently assigned to Detachment Two, Company A of the 139th Brigade Support Battalion in Miller, and 38 soldiers based in Redfield in Company A of the 139th Brigade Support Battalion. 215 soldiers statewide are affected by the re-locations, that include units in Platte, Salem, Webster and Winner. Guard officials say the re-locations are the result of factors including federal budget cuts, the restructuring of the Army and the new Watertown Facility. The re-balancing of armed forces at the national level is forcing South Dakota Guard leaders to cut 258 traditional part-time soldiers and 19 full-time positions by the end of September. The Guard also cites many aging National Guard armories, 14 of 29 armories are at least 40 years old and 10 are over 50 years old. The re-locations will save money, maximize resources and provide better training opportunities. The Miller and Redfield units will not move to Watertown until the Regional Readiness Center is completed sometime in 2013.