It could cost you more if your caught parking in Huron during snow removal operations and wish to fight the ticket in court. The Huron City Commission is looking to clarify the City’s snow removal ordinance and with those changes may consider amending the fine for violations from 100 to 120 dollars. A snow alert parking ticket is 35-dollars if paid in seven days. It increase to 50 dollars after that and if it goes to magistrate court, the 100-dollar fine is used. However City Attorney Gerry Kaufman say court costs paid in magistrate court are increasing…
Commissioner Kerwin Haeder says a lot of work goes into the ticketing process and Mayor Dave McGirr asked Kaufman if the amount could be changed…
[audio:|titles=snowfines2]Kaufman says a change would have to be approved by Third Judaical Circuit …
[audio:|titles=snowfines3]Kaufman is working with Haeder and Police Chief Gary Will on a solution already used by some larger cities…
[audio:|titles=snewfines4]The bond and fine proposal as not been scheduled to be heard by the City Commission, A change to 120 dollars in the violation section of the snow removal ordinance may go before the City Commission next week.