4 In Jail As Beadle County Sheriff Works To Return Stolen Goods

Four Huron men sit in the Beadle County Jail on multiple charges after authorities executed search warrants on Friday and Monday. Beadle County Sheriff Doug Solem confirmed that the arrests are tied to a series of seven burglaries of rural residences in the county…


The rings were just some of a massive list that included 14 guns, ammunition, a snow blower, knives, drug paraphernalia, cash, illegal drugs, cameras and even deer mounts…


Solem says his Department is looking a quite the task to get property back to it’s owners…


As for evidence recovered of animal fighting….


Authorities believe a break-in at a rural residence just over the Beadle County line into Sanborn County is related to the string of Beadle County heists. Solem says the Beadle County residents should be commended for their help in getting the suspects in custody….


The suspects, 32-year-old Shoa Lee, 21-year-old Seevang Lee, 29 year-old Marcus Erickson and 18 year-old Cody Weed are in custody at the Beadle County Jail. Court appearances are scheduled for Wednesday.