Twelve Huron residents who came together 10 weeks ago to learn about the Huron Police Department graduated Thursday night from the Spring Citizen’s Police Academy. Before the pomp and circumstance, Academy Instructor Mark Johnson had a few more things to present, like an overview of Community Oriented Policing….
Johnson also talked about crime prevention…
[audio:|titles=hpdawk10-2]All 12 members in the Citizen’s Police Academy received Certificates of Completion and Awards of Excellence for perfect attendance for the last two and a half months…
[audio:|titles=hpdawk10-3]The class filled out a survey and was given the chance to sign up to volunteer with various tasks the department may need assistance with. The class also saw a video slide show of pictures taken during the Academy and an audio presentation of sound bites from Performance Radio News’ coverage of the Academy There was additional discussion on the possible formation of a Reserve Force for the Huron Police Department. Chief Gary Will says funding is the big hurdle in the creation of a Reserve Corp. The class will gather in July to use the Use of Force Simulator and many will continue completing ride a long assignments with active officers. The audio player below contains the Police Academy wrap-up played for the Citizen’s Police Academy at graduation: [audio:|titles=Police Acadmey Wrap up]