Business Index Shows Increase For The First Time In Months

MoneyThe Creighton University Mid-America Business Conditions Index for January, a leading economic indicator for a nine-state region stretching from Arkansas to North Dakota, expanded for the first time since June of last year, but remained below growth neutral.   Ernie Goss, director of Creighton University’s Economic Forecasting Group says most of the states in the region moved positive…

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Goss says the regional employment gauge increased for January but remained below growth neutral at 49.3, up from December’s 37.1.…

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During this same period, the rest of the nation gained 7,000, or 0.2 percent, in durable goods manufacturing jobs.  Businesses were asked to describe their hiring situation in January. Approximately 46.3 percent of the businesses reported that the number of applicants exceeded the number of available jobs at their firm. On the other hand, 18.5 percent of businesses reported shortages of workers for company job openings.  Goss says inflation still isn’t much of a factor in the region…

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Goss says looking ahead six months, economic optimism, as captured by the January business confidence index, fell to 42.2 from December’s 49.1.