Cattlemen Asking USDA To Hold Off On New Checkoff

steakThe National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is asking Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack to hold off on creating a new, supplemental beef checkoff program.  Vilsack has expressed frustration over lack of action from a committee that is tasked with reforming the current checkoff program.  NCBA President-elect Philip Ellis says 40 state beef organizations have sent a letter to USDA asking the secretary NOT to put the supplemental beef checkoff in place.



Ellis says NCBA’s understanding is the supplemental beef checkoff would be in addition to the current one.



Ellis is encouraging those who pay into the beef checkoff to let Secretary Vilsack know what they think about the proposal.



The USDA has said that government action may not be necessary if industry groups can reach a consensus over reforms to the current beef checkoff.