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Noem Visits Senior Center

October 15, 2012 prnews 0

U.S. Representative Kristie Noem spend a part of Monday in Huron, visiting with residents at the Huron Senior Center. Noem says Medicare was on the […]

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Ceremony Sends Miller Guard Unit To Watertown

October 14, 2012 prnews 0

The National Guard unit based in Miller is deactivated…. [audio:|titles=millerguard1] Roughly 90 seconds after Captain Rebecca Trygstad read those orders, the Guidon of Detachment Two, […]

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Election Forums Held Saturday

October 13, 2012 prnews 0

Election Forums with the District 22 Candidates were held Saturday Morning.  If you missed the forums you can listen to each below… House Forum[audio:|titles=House Forum] […]