The Huron City Commission approved a variance request by Mel and Marty Moeding for a house at 332 17thSoutheast. The Moeding’s’ wanted to build the house eight feet from the east and west property lines. Gerry Krech lives next door to where the Moedings want to build a home for a lower to middle income family for roughly 150-thousand dollars. Because of the angle of Krech’s house,and the curve of 17th street the Moedings project would be in direct view from Krech’s house. Mayor DaveMcGirr could see both parties points…
Krech said he wants to make it work for everybody…
[audio:|titles=variance2]The Moeding’s said they would accept Krech’s 10 foot option which would take 10 feet out of the back yard, where, the Moeding’sexpect the future owners would likely install fencing because the house is being targeted for a family with kids. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Moeding’s original request, but the City Commission approved Krech’s compromise idea on a 4 to 0 vote with a stipulation that the Moeding’s control drainage on the property.