Huron City Commission Quick Hits

The Huron City Commission met for well over two hours Monday night. The Commission meeting as the Board of Adjustments approved all three variance requests before them. When the Commission reconvened the final payment request from Jones Construction for excavating material from Stony Run was approved. The Commission also heard about the results from the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal event held at the State Fairgrounds on October 7th. Solid Waste Superintendent Dale Fortin says this years participaton was better than last year…


The cost of disposing of the waste was $8,928 dollars. 15-percent of vehicles dropping off materials were from outside of Huron. 275 gallons of latex paint was collected along with 100 gallons each of used motor oil, old fuel and oil/anti-freeze mix. 18 pounds of nickel and lithium batteries were gathered along with 33 vehicle batteries