City Commission Cruises Through Monday Meeting

The Huron City Commission needed less that 15 minutes to fire through it’s weekly meeting last night. Commissioners approved a payment request of one-million 245-thousand dollars for the Central Park project. Commissioners also approved an amendment to an agreement with developer Dennis Estabrook. The agreement is designed to prevent the city from getting stuck between Estabrook and future owners of properties he holds when it comes to assessments of infrastructure costs.. The Commission also amended the 2012-2013 rate scale resolution to include updated rental rates for use of Campus Center facilities. Lastly Commissioners also approved waiving some provision of a covenant so Adam Rathjen and Rich and Jen Bragg could install back yard fences and in Rathjen’s case a sprinkler system and move a shed on his property. The Commission may give consideration at a later meeting to waiving the no build provision of the covenant on the lots west of Cardinal Lane Southwest, because of the number of waivers already approved and that the intentions of the covenant don’t fit the area anymore. The covenant was put in place when more commercial development was envisioned for the area directly south of the Huron High School