125th Wagon Train Becoming A Big Draw


125WagonTrainRouteA September wagon train-which is being held to celebrate South Dakota’s 125th anniversary-continues to attract attention from people interested in taking part. The wagon train will kick off September 4 in Yankton and arrive at the Capitol in Pierre September 20. Gerald Kessler of Fort Pierre, who is a co-wagon master for the ride, says 90 people have already signed up and the current count shows 36 wagons. Kessler says he’s expecting many more people to join and says a number of people from outside the state have already registered.

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Kessler says he has been very impressed with the cooperation he’s received from towns and landowners along the route.

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Kessler says as the dates for the wagon train get closer, he expects more participants to join the group.

Gerald Kessler-3 Anticipates More Signing Up B4 Eventj2

The wagon train leaves Yankton September 4 and includes overnight stops in Tabor, Scotland, Tripp, Ethan, Mitchell, Plankinton, Wessington Springs, Crow Lake, Gann Valley and as it nears Pierre, will have four evening camps at a few rural locations. On September 20, participants will trek from Farm Island to the State Capitol building on September 20. There is a limit of 300 participants for the fall event. Find an application for the wagon train at http://125.sd.gov/wagontrain.aspx