City Commission Meets Tonight

The Huron City Commission will meet tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider acknowledgement of an affidavit correcting a street vacation petition filed by Dave Ellwein last year. Also up for consideration is an abatement and refund of property taxes filed by Ravine Lake Heights Development L-L-C. The Commission will also consider a plat filed by Fullerton Furniture and Dave and Linda McGir, and an intergovernmental agreement with the South Dakota State Fair regarding golf cart permits. Along those lines, Commissioners will consider second reading of an ordinance that requires golf carts in the City of Huron have permits and insurance. A resolution setting fees for those permits will also be considered. The first reading of a re-zoning petition ordinance, filed by Jim Wright is also on the agenda of tonight’s meeting. Departmental items include an update on the Mayor’s wellness challenge and considering appointing members to the City Wellness Committee. The Commission will consider an equipment lease agreement with Rick Button for the 2012 golf season and a summer intern for the police department. Commissioners will consider accepting the resignation of Rex Sawvell from the Park and Rec. Department and consider requests to advertise for Sawvell’s former job as Construction Technician. The Commission will meet in executive session for two matters then hold a work session on the campus center. the Huron City Commission meets at 5:30 PM tonight and the meeting is open to the public