Concerns over the City of Huron’s proposed permitting and insurance ordinance for golf carts by the South Dakota State Fair, led Commissioners to defer decision on the ordinance until next week. Officials with the State Fair approached Commissioner Dale Schneider about how the ordinance would affect the hundreds of out-of-town golf cart owners who use the machines to traverse from campsites to the Fairgrounds…
Mayor Dave McGirr suggested the Commission come up with an exemption for golf carts coming in for the State Fair or even finding a way to combine the $150 golf cart permit issued by the State Fair, with a city permit. City Attorney Gerry Kaufman wasn’t sure combining the two would work…
[audio:|titles=stfairgolfcart2]Police Chief Gary Will says golf carts traveling to the Main Fairgrounds from off-site, state-owned campgrounds was an issue during last year’s event…
[audio:|titles=stfairgolfcart3]The City of Huron is reworking it’s ordinance regarding the use golf carts on city streets passed last year, to include required permitting and insurance rules to make the ordinance fit more with a State Law passed last year. A resolution to set the fee for golf cart permits in the City of Huron was also pushed off to next weeks meeting.