100 Dollar Fine Approved For Jake Brake Violations

The use of a dynamic engine brake or “Jake Brake” in the city of Huron has been illegal for over two years now, but very soon it, could make you lighter in the wallet. Commissioner Kerwin Haeder highlighted a proposed change to the Jake Brake ordinance at Monday night’s Huron City Commission meeting…


City Attorney Gerry Kaufman says a change allowing fines to be levyed by means of Power of Attorney was recently approved by Presiding Judge David Geinapp of the Third Judaical Circuit, paving the way to make paying for violations easier…


The original ordinance was first proposed in December of 2009 and came before the City Commission again in January of 2010. It’s been in place since then without a listed fine. A resolution was approved following the first reading of the ordinance change setting the fine for use of a “Jake Brake” at 100-dollars plus court costs. Use of a dynamic engine brake for emergency stopping is allowed under the ordinance.