100 Days Of Heat Wrapping Up With State Fair Push

Starting today and lasting throught the end of the South Dakota State Fair on September 3rd, the Huron Police Department will be aggressively targeting impaired driving. The “100 Days of Heat” safe driving campaign is nearly a close for 2012 and the Huron Police Department is joining nearly 10-thousand other law enforcement agencies nationwide in the effort.. Motorists over the next two weeks in the Huron area will see saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints in and around Huron. Additional South Dakota Highway Patrol Troppers will be assigned to the Huron area during the State Fair to keep an eye on the increased traffic volumes. HPD Public Information Officer Sgt. Brandon Neitzert says despite the numerous different agencies on patrol around Huron in the coming weeks, the message stays the same. “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”.