10 Million Dollars In Disaster Aid For Jerauld County Tornadoes, Flooding

DSCF7438SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – The disaster aid for the mid-June storms in South Dakota including the Wessington Springs tornado has topped $10 million.  Officials on Thursday said the Federal Emergency Management Agency has approved $9.08 million and the state of South Dakota has approved an additional $1.21 million as part of the state’s 10 percent cost share.  The money is meant to be used for a variety of disaster recovery costs such as removal of debris, road and bridge repair, and restoration of electrical utilities.  Officials say the process of identifying and documenting eligible damages and costs is nearly finished.  Funds have been made available to Jerauld, Butte, Clay, Corson, Dewey, Hanson, Lincoln, Minnehaha, Perkins, Turner, Union and Ziebach counties, as well as the Cheyenne River Sioux and Standing Rock Sioux tribal nations.