The Huron School district has grown substantially since 2005.  The K-12 student population in 2005 was 1988 that was a low point for enrollment compared to the 1960’s and 70’s when per class student population was over 300.  The estimated 2022 student population is 2980.  The increase is an average of 58 added students each year since 2005.  Superintendent of the Huron School district Dr. Kraig Steinhoff talks about what the increase is attributed to.

Steinhoff said they project the increases to continue.

Updates to the elementary facilities costing 25 million dollars from 2014 to 2016 increased the capacity of the district to 3250 students Steinhoff said they have a little room for flexibility.

Teacher openings have been a statewide issue.  Steinhoff says they still have a few openings.

The student count day for this year is September 30.